Photos from the Valtice event

About 120 napoleonic soldiers and 6 horses took part at the spring maneuvers of the Central European Napoleonic Society in Valtice.

242nd anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte

Today, 15th august 2011, we commemorate the 242nd anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte. In Austerlitz the Napoleonic Days were held during the last weekend, a traditional cultural event with a folk concert, a craft fair and especially the participation of re-enactors in uniforms of the french, austrian and russian army from the beggining of the 19th century

Press release 2011

The 206th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz will be commemorated during the weekend following the 2nd december 2011, or 11 frimaire 220 according to the french revolutionary calendar. Austerlitz is one of the most important moments of the world military history. The event takes place on the 2-4 december.

Austerlitz 2011 – 206th anniversary of the battle

The commemorative events dedicated to the 206th anniversary of the battle of the three emperors (2nd december 1805) took place on the 2nd – 4th december 2011.

Terms of the Commemorative events of Austerlitz and of the Napoleonic Days 2011-2015

The commemorative events of Austerlitz are held on the weekend nearest to the 2nd december, the Napoleonic days on the weekend nearest to the 15th august.

Orders of battle of both armies

1189 soldiers are registered for the event of the 205th anniversary of Austerlitz, with 120 vivandieres, 1309 participants in total.

Entrance fee for the re-enactment of Austerlitz, 4th december 2010

On saturday 4th december 2010 the re-enactment battle of Austerlitz will take place under the Santon hill. The prices for the tribube,  including ref...

Press release 2010

In 2010 we will commemorate the 205th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz, known also under the name of Battle of the Three emperors : french emperor Napoleon, austrian emperor Francis and russian emperor Alexander. The battle that Jean Tulard compares to a game of pokker rather than to a game of chess, fascinates even after two centuries not only the military historians and is considered with justice to be the greatest Napoleon’s victory ever, antipole of Waterloo, another important anniversary of this year – the 195th in june.

Happy new year

The Project Austerlitz and the Central European Napoleonic Society wish you merry Christmas and happy new year.

Mikulov-Drasenhofen 2010, photogallery

Photogallery of the Mikulov-Drasenhofen event,

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