Program of the commemorative event of Austerlitz 2012
Friday 30th november 2012 Zuran, Podoli 17:30 Fires of Jirikovice Jirikovice 18:00 Fires of Jirikovice Saturday 1st december 2012 Slapanic...
Friday 30th november 2012 Zuran, Podoli 17:30 Fires of Jirikovice Jirikovice 18:00 Fires of Jirikovice Saturday 1st december 2012 Slapanic...
In France the moravian wines find their fans even among the experts, this year the champion is a bio-wine!
There are nearly 25 towns and villages on the battlefield of Austerlitz; you will find basic information on them in this article.
The town of Slavkov u Brna (Austerlitz) organize together with the Central European Naopleonic Society and the Château Slavkov-Austerlitz the traditional Napoleonic Days (12-14 august 2011), this year at the occasion of the 242th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte.
The digital library of the Bilbiothèque nationale de France, Gallica, offers excellent plans of the battle of Austerlitz
On the 12th november 2011 the Project Austerlitz and the Austerlitz castle organize the Saint-Hubertus Ride 2011 and the associated program in Austerlitz called St. Martin invites you for the battle of Austerlitz.
From the 2nd till the 4th december 2011 the commemorative event will take place at the occasion of the 206th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz. The event is organized within the Project Austerlitz by the town of Slavkov u Brna, communes of Tvarozna and Prace and C.E.N.S., with financial support of the South-moravian Region.
The Project Austerlitz and the Central European Napoleonic Society wish you merry Christmas and happy new year 2012.
We would like to express our sincere condolences to the family and friends of president Vaclav Havel.
In may the Project Austerlitz and the Central European Napoleonic Society organize a re-enactment event in the beautiful chateau and park of Valtice, another place in South Moravia touched by the history of napoleonic wars.