Valtice 2014

The Project Austerlitz in cooperation with the Central European Napoleonic Society and the Valtice castle prepare the fourth napoleonic maneuvers in Valtice for the weekend of 12-13 april 2014. CzechTourism is partner of the project. The event is part of the project Austerlitz 2014. The event is held under the auspices of the governor of the South-moravian region, Mr. Michal Hasek. in new design

Dear visitors and readers of our website! After years of good services we said yesterday goodbye to the well-known brown design of the Project Austerl...

Austerlitz 2014 – Partners of the project

Partners of the Austerlitz 2014 event

NEW – E-shop

In collaboration with the Moravian Bank of Wines we've prepared for you a special offer. A straw wine made by Oldrich Drapal for the Project Austerlit...

Austerlitz 2013

The commemorative event dedicated to the 208th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz will be held 30th november and 1st december 2013. The main points of program will be the saturday battle re-enactement under the Santon hill (14:00) and the sunday act of piety at the Peace monument (10:30).

Napoleonic Days 2013

The Project Austerlitz, the Central European Napoleonic Society and the commune of Prace organize, at the occasion of the 244th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Napoleonic Days 2013 on the Pratzenberg, the event will be held from 17th-18th august.

The C.E.N.S. board 2012

On saturday 21st january 2012 the annual C.E.N.S. (Central European Napoleonic Society) has been held at the Old post of Pozoritz.

Austerlitz 2012

The major commemorative event dedicated to the napoleonic history in central Europe will be held in Austerlitz on the 30th november – 2nd december 2012. The main points of program will be the saturday battle re-enactement under the Santon hill (14:00), the evening defile, parade and fireworks in Austerlitz (19:30) and the sunday act of piety at the Peace monument (10:30).

Napoleonic Days 2012

The town of Slavkov u Brna (Austerlitz) organize together with the Central European Napoleonic Society and the Château Slavkov-Austerlitz the traditional Napoleonic Days (10-12 august 2012), this year at the occasion of the 243rd anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte. The event is held under the auspices of the governor of the South-moravian Ragion, Mr. Michal Hasek.

Valtice 2012

The Project Austerlitz in cooperation with the Central European Napoleonic Society and the Valtice castle prepare the second napoleonic maneuvers in Valtice for the weekend of 14-15 april 2012.

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