Romain Baulesch, founder of the Austrian napoleonic society, has fought his last battle

Generalmajor Romain Baulesch (17.3.1953 – 20.3.2015), founder of the Austrian napoleonic society in 1992,

Napoleonic Days 2015

The Project Austerlitz, the Central European Napoleonic Society, the Old post of Pozoritz and the village of Prace organize, at the occasion of the 246th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Napoleonic days 2015 held at the Old post and in Prace from the 14 till the 16th august 2015.

Austerlitz 2015 – press release

The 210th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz (2nd december 1805), the battle of the three emperors. Information - situation map - tickets.

From Austerlitz to Waterloo and back

The largest napoleonic re-enactment event is going to be held in Belgium, starting on the 18th june 2015, the anniversary day of the famous battle of Waterloo

Central European Napoleonic Society

The Central European Naopleonic Society was founded on the 18th january 2003 by representants of the czech, slovak and austrian groups of re-enactme...

Austerlitz 2015 – public transport options

KORDIS, the organizer of public tranposrt in Southern Moravia, assures the following services.

Sivek Hotels

Sivek Hotels are the official Austerlitz 2015 tour operator

Sivek Hotels became the official tour operator of Austerlitz 2015 events.

Terms of the commemorative events of Austerlitz 2015-2020

The commemorative events of Austerlitz are held on the weekend nearest to the 2nd december, the Napoleonic Days on the weekend nearest to the 15th august.

Austerlitz 2014

The commemorative event dedicated to the 209th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz will be held on the 29th and 30th november 2014. The main points of program will be the saturday battle re-enactement under the Santon hill (14:00) and the sunday act of piety at the Peace monument (12:00).

Petition to extend the historically protected area of the Waterloo battlefield

The Project Austerlitz and the Central European Napoleonic Society express their support to the aim of the petition to extend the historically protected area of the Waterloo battlefield

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