Project Austerlitz and Buchlovice

Project Austerlitz prepares in conjuction with C.E.N.S., Association of 8e Regiment d’infanterie de Ligne Buchlovice, chateau Buchlovice and municip...

Camp de Grande Armee – Finckenstein 1807

Kamieniec SuskiMay 30 – June 1, 2003Napoleon Bonaparte lodged in a palace of a Prussian notable, Graf zu Dohna, in Finckenstein (presently Kamieniec...

Peace monument

More than 100 years after the memorable Slavkov battle, considered at that time the bloodiest in history, the Peace Monument was built in 1910 - 1912 ...

Succes in Paris

Vicepresident of the Project Austerlitz 2005 is back from a congress named LES NOBLESSES DANS L'EMPIRE DES HABSBOURG, DE LA MONTAGNE BLANCHE AU PRINTE...

The open leter from Etienne Roda, president of the ENS

Dear Visitor,thank you for visiting this homepage and for your interest in the Battle of Austerlitz. We as ENS are delighted with the opportunity to t...

Photogallery from a visit of representatives of the ENS

25-27.10.2002 have been days, when Mr Etienne Roda and other representants of the ENS visited Austerlitz Battlefield. Click please here.

Press info

The press info for this year's Commemorative Events at the Battle of the Three Emperors at Austerlitz (Slavkov)

Jan Sroubek´s photogalery

A very nice photos from the Re enactment of the Battle of Three Emperors 2001. If you like to see a new pictures from 2.12.2001 click here.

Allied Brigade Military Gazette

The very nice article of David Banks, comandant of Allied Army and new President of ENS. Read please here. Thank you David, hope that french grou...


Fotonews from the Re enactment of the Battle of Three Emperors 2001. If you would like to have a new pictures from 2.12.2001 click here.

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