Visualisation of the radar from few view points of the battlefield

 Radarview from Otnice - Ujezdview from Rychmanov - Ujezdview from Hrusky - Saratice - Zbysovview from Hosteradkyview from Dvorska through Kobyln...

Friday 15.8.2003 first pictures…


This fight is worldwide

In reaction to the C.E.N.S. Proclamation we receive daily dozens of supportive messages from around the world, this time from the USA.

How the army could be so disrespectful towards the memory of the other armies even if 200 years old!

I agree with the Proclamation of Austerlitz! How the army could be so disrespectful towards the memory of the other armies even if 200 years old!...


TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNWe, the Historical Re-enactment Group of Malta (which represents 70 Napoleonic period re-enactors), agree with the proclamation ...


Austerlitz, August 12th 2003 PROCLAMATION OF AUSTERLITZ We protest against the intent to build the NATO military radar site on the Prace (Pr...

Napoleon Days 2003 Austerlitz

Napoleon Days, 15 to 17 August 2003, Slavkov u Brna - AusterlitzTown of Slavkov - Austerlitz Municipality of Tvarožná Burial Mound of Peace - Auster...

It would be a disecration

We have received the reaction of Mr. David Banks, president of the European Napoleonic Society regarding the current case of the planned NATO radar tower site in the close proximity of the world famous Peace Monument. Mr. Banks openly speaks about the monument's disecration.

Will be the famous Peace Monument soon in the shadow of the NATO radar station?

A new dominant feature at the Peace Monument?Communities disagree and we as well… Recently we have just “accidentally” learned that right in the...

Association of the 8th historical regiment celebrated the 10 th anniversary of its foundation !

The members of 8th Regiment and invited guests included representatives of  C.E.N.S. met at Bystrice pod Hostynem on 26th July to celebrate that ...

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