International Conference “Austerlitz and Europe”

Theme of the conference :   The  influence of the civilization development since the industrial revolution in Europe in  1805  to the info...

Festive presentation of Eagles, Paris December 3rd-5th 2004

A thundering "Vive l'Empereur!" sounded through the sacred expanses of the Dome of Les Invalides in Paris after hundreds of years.

Salon du 1er Empire

In December 2004, get that First Empire feel just steps away from Arc de Triomphe in Paris !

Alternation in the Austerlitz 2004 program!!!

Minor alternation has been made in the Austerlitz 2004 program for participants.

Napoleonic Days in Austerlitz 2004 – program and pictures

Program of the traditional summer event in Austerlitz, 235th birthday of Napoleon.

Official program of the Austerlitz 2004 commemorative events

This year we celebrate 199th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz. Come and see the interesting event which is not equally matched anywhere in Europe! The phenomenon of the Austerlitz battlefield annualy attracts hundreds of re-nactors (members of military historical societies re-enacting historical events) and thousands of visitors. No place in Europe regularly hosted an event of such scale where more than one thousand warriors symbolicaly clash and finally meet at the piety act by the Mound of Peace on the Pratzen Heights...

PF 2004

We all of us here at the Project Austerlitz 2005 wish you an excellent Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Napoleonic Days 2003 finished….

                      Press information –  Napo...

Fruits of battle

a article from the Prague Business Journal

Rejective statement of The Battlefield Trust

International charity dedicated for heritage preservation of the important battlefields of the world refuses the plan to build the radar installation on the Pratzen Heights.

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