Basic information for the media

Initial information, conditions of accreditation, media services offer.

DVD to the bicentennial of the battle of Austerlitz

Information about the project of the production of a DVD dedicated to the bicentennial of the legendary battle.

Austerlitz 2005 is over, long live Austerlitz!

The event Austerlitz 2005 is behind us. It has passed in an enormous speed. What message was the event supposed to give to the world and what is the review of organizers?

Radar on the Pratzen Heights back in the game

In the end of the last year the territorial proceedings were renewed in the matter of planned construction of the 3D NATO radar on the Pratzen Heights close to the Peace Monument. However the situation is different. The army looses the support of the South Moravian Governor Mr. Stanislav Juranek. More in the article.

Project Austerlitz 2005 opens the new information center of the Austerlitz battlefield

  On Wednesday January 12th the new official Information center Austerlitz-Rohlenka for the Austerlitz battlefield has been opened by the Projec...

Presidential bureau considers the radar positive and defends its construction

The response of major-general Picek, chief of the Military Bureau of the President of the Republic, to our letter to President Klaus from the early May haven't surprised us in the main - according to him the locality of Sokolnice (Sokolnitz) is the only suitable location, the Ministry of Defence acts in a correct way and it definetely is not a matter of an arbitrary rule. In the article you will find the full letter of major-general Picek. The military have somehow forgotten that since the days the locality for the old radars was chosen by the "experts of the Warsaw Pact who were not stupid at all" almost 50 years passed away and the technology somewhat advanced. It is no longer necessary to guard the Brno airport from "imperialists" what was then the main reason of the location of troops and radars there. The new radar would be much more efficient on the higher hill. However everything financed by NATO would have to be really constructed and payed, in this case though to account the large portion of costs will be enough. Those ones who make decision about it also remember the 'good old days' of the Warsaw Pact and they are not stupid at all... Similar battlefield (and especially the national monument) will not certainly come into existence anywhere in Europe because there is no army even in a post-communist country which would venture to do something like this. There is just one thing missing in the end of the letter: "Peace to the world" and with one unnamed former country forever!

Thanks to partners and sponsors of Austerlitz 2005

We appreciate those who helped to make this extraordinary event happen.

Program of the Comemmorative events of the battle of Austerlitz 2005

Program of this year's 'Austerlitz'. Read more inside the article.

Tickets for the re-enactment of the Battle of Three Emperors, Saturday Dec 3 2005

Information about tickets sale for this years' re-enactment.

Information about Austerlitz 2005

General information for visitors.

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