Monument of horses
... horses fallen (not only) during the battle of Austerlitz – monument of the relationship between man and horsePress release.
... horses fallen (not only) during the battle of Austerlitz – monument of the relationship between man and horsePress release.
The town of Mikulov, commune of Drasenhofen, Project Austerlitz and Central European Napoleonic Society organize, from 16th to 18th may, a commemorative event at the occasion of the 199th anniversary of the 1809 campaign.
Accreditation application form.
The town of Mikulov, Project Austerlitz and Central European Napoleonic Society organize, from 6th to 8th july, a commemorative event at the occasion of the 198th anniversary of the end of the 1809 campaign.
Merry Christmas,
The town of Slavkov, communes of Tvarozna and Prace, Project Austerlitz and Central European Napoleonic Society organize, from 10th to 12th august, the Napoleonic Days at the occasion of the 238th anniversary of Napoleon.
Program of the commemorative event organised on the occasion of the 202nd anniversary of Austerlitz.
From the 30th november till the 2nd december 2007 the traditional commemorative event will take place at the occasion of the 202nd anniversary of the battle of the three emperors. The main points of the program are the battle re-enactment under the Santon hill on saturday (14:00), an evening defilé in Austerlitz (19:30), parade and fireworks, and the sunday act of piety (at noon) at the Peace Monument, the place of the hardest fight of the whole battle.
Project Austerlitz follows the successfully completed Project Austerlitz 2005.
Information about the event mainly for journalists.