Instruction of general Schauenbourg (in french)

Instruction concernant les manoeuvres de l'infanterie...


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Documents for download

PDF documents concerning the military history of the french revolution and first empire for download; links to other sources...

C.E.N.S. assembly and events calendar for 2008

On saturday 26th january 2008 the assembly of the newly formed Central European Napoleonic Society was held in Tvarozna (Bosenitz). The re-enactment groups – members of the society – judged the last year events, voted the president of the society and board members according to the new Agreement of composition and activities of the CENS that replaced the old statute; discussed the new conception of the events co-organized by the society, the events calendar for 2008, and also the level of quality of the re-enactment the CENS should reach.

Czech and Moravian wines and Project Austerlitz presented in Paris

On the 18th march, the 5th year of "Festival of spring", czech and moravian wine competition, was held in Paris in the Czech cultural center, together with a presentation of activities of the Project Austerliz. On the 19th march the wines and the Project Austerlitz were presented in the central office of the OECD during a soirée organized by Mr. Karel Dyba, ambassador of the Czech republic to the OECD.

199th anniversary of the battle of Znaim

The Project Austerlitz, Central European Napoleonic Society, town of Znojmo (Znaim) and commune of Dobsice (Klein Teswitz), in co-operation with the South-Moravian Region organize the commemorative event of the 199th anniversary of the battle of Znaim, 11-13 july 2008, under the auspices of the 1st vice-governor of the region, Mr. Milan Venclik.

Napoleonic Days 2008

Project Austerlitz, Central European Napoleonic Society, Slavkov u Brna - Austerlitz, Tvarožná - Bosenitz, Prace - Pratzen, with support of the South Moravian Region, organize, at the occasion of the 239th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte, the event of Napoleonic Days 2008 on the battlefield of Austerlitz, the event will take place from 15-17 august 2008.

Pour Féliciter 2009

The Project Austerlitz wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Austerlitz 2008 – press release

From the 28th till the 30th november 2008 the traditional commemorative event will take place at the occasion of the 203rd anniversary of the battle of the three emperors (2nd december 1805).

Mikulov – Drasenhofen 2008

The main forces of both armies marched towards Znaim, the Emperor of the French forced there the archiduke Charles to sign armistice... before the news came to the 3rd corps of marshal Davout and to the arriere-garde of the general Rosenberg, both adversaries clashed in the town of Mikulov, and in the evening the head of the last Davout’s division has been ambushed by Drasenhofen by a detachment of austrian infantry. Even that combat has been ended by the news from Znaim, even here the soldiers of both armies celebrated the armistice.

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