Spring festival 2009

Association of sommeliers of the Czech republic and Project Austerlitz have organized the 6th year of czech and moravian wine competition in the Czech center in Paris, in co-operation with the Wine fund of the Czech republic, french Academy of Wine, Association of sommeliers of France, company Davay Communications ltd. and Moravian Bank of Wines.

Mikulov – Drasenhofen 2009

From the 22nd till the 24th may 2009 a commemorative event Mikulov-Drasenhofen 2009 was held at the occasion of the bicentenary of the war of 1809, war between Austria and France, that had been interrupted by the armistice at Znaim on the 11th july 1809, and ended by the Schönbrunn peace treaty on the 14th october 1809. The event was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. It’s been also a sort of invitation for the bicentenary of the battle of Znaim that will take place from the 10th till the 12th july 2009 in Znojmo and in Dobsice.

The 240th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte

About 200 participants in napoleonic uniforms celebrated the 240th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte in Austerlitz on the 15th and 16th august 2009. The Napoleonic Days were organized by the Project Austerlitz, the Central European Napoleonic Society, the town of Austerlitz and the castle Slavkov-Austerlitz as one of the last events of the bicentenaries of 1809 ; after the big events of Raszyn in Poland, Sacile in Italy, Mikulov in Moravia, Aspern in Austria and Znaim, bicentenary of the last battle of 1809.

P.F. 2010

The Project Austerlitz wishes you all the best for 2010.

Znojmo-Dobsice 2009

The Project Austerlitz, Central European Napoleonic Society, the town of Znaim and the commune of Dobsice have prepared a commemorative event at the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the battle of Znaim for the 10th - 12th july 2009. The event is held under the auspices of the governor of the South moravian region, Mr. Michal Hasek.

Battlefield of Austerlitz

The battlefield covers an area of nearly 120 km2 and there are about 25 towns and villages on the battlefield, their german names are well known around the world as they were used by both sides of the conflict of the year 1805:

Austerlitz 2009

From the 27th till the 29th november 2009 the traditional commemorative event will take place at the occasion of the 204th anniversary of the battle of the three emperors. The event is organized within the Project Austerlitz by the town of Slavkov u Brna, communes of Tvarozna and Prace and C.E.N.S., with financial support of the South-moravian Region, under the auspices of the governor of the South-moravian Ragion, Mr. Michal Hasek.

1809 – 2009

2009 is the year of the bicentenaries of the events of 1809, the war of the 5th coalition, the battles of Raszyn, Sacile, Eggmühl, Aspern, siege of Presbourg (today Bratislava), the general battle of Wagram and the last battle of Znaim.

10th april 1809

200 years ago the Austrian army passes the Inn, a border river between Austria and Bavaria, the war of the 5th coalition begins.

Austerlitz 2009 – summary and photos.

The 204th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz falls on wednesday 2nd december 2009. More than 800 participants and thousands of visitors and spectators had the occasion to commemorate this important historical event already on the last weekend, from the 27th till the 29th november, in Austerlitz, in Tvarozna (Bosenitz), Prace (Pratzen), at the Old post of Pozoritz and in other villages of the battlefield.

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