Spring festival 2010 in Paris
On the 23rd march the 7th year of the wine competition Spring festival organized by the Association of sommeliers of the Czech republic and the Project Austerlitz will be held in the Czech center in Paris.
On the 23rd march the 7th year of the wine competition Spring festival organized by the Association of sommeliers of the Czech republic and the Project Austerlitz will be held in the Czech center in Paris.
Press release. In 2010 we will commemorate the 205th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz, known also under the name of Battle of the Three emperors : french emperor Napoleon, austrian emperor Francis and russian emperor Alexander. The battle that Jean Tulard compares to a game of pokker rather than to a game of chess, fascinates even after two centuries not only the military historians and is considered with justice to be the greatest Napoleon’s victory ever, antipole of Waterloo, another important anniversary of this year – the 195th in june.
Photos from the Napoleonic Days 2010, adidas gazelle soldes nike air force 1 nike internationalist Shirts & Tops the 241th anniversary of Napoleo...
The town of Slavkov u Brna (Austerlitz) organize together with the Central European Naopleonic Society and the Château Slavkov-Austerlitz the traditional Napoleonic Days (13-15 august 2010), this year at the occasion of the 241th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte.
From the 3rd till the 5th december 2010 the commemorative event will take place at the occasion of the 205th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz. The event is organized within the Project Austerlitz by the town of Slavkov u Brna, communes of Tvarozna and Prace and C.E.N.S., with financial support of the South-moravian Region and The Czech Tourist Authority, under the auspices of the governor of the South-moravian Ragion, Mr. Michal Hasek.
The town of Mikulov, commune of Drasenhofen, Project Austerlitz and Central European Napoleonic Society organize, from 14th to 16th may, a commemorative event at the occasion of the 201st anniversary of the 1809 campaign.
„Soldiers, I am content with you. You have, on the day of Austerlitz, justified all that I expected of your boldness.“ These are the words the soldiers were adressed with also on the 4th december 2010 during the parade of the troops who took part at the battle re-enactment under the Santon hill near the village of Tvarozna, at the event of Austerlitz 2010.
On saturday 4th december 2010 at 14.00 the re-enactment of the battle of Austerlitz will be organized under the Santon hill near the village of Tvarozna. KORDIS, the organizer of public tranposrt in Southern Moravia, assures the following services.
On behalf of the Project Austerlitz and the Central European Napoleonic Society we express our deepest sympathy with the families of the victims of th...
On the 14th, 15th and 16th august, the Project Austerlitz, the Central European Napoleonic Society and the town of Slavkov u Brna (Austerlitz) organize a festive event at the occasion of the 240th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte.