Project Austerlitz

Austerlitz 2017 – tickets

You can buy your tickets for tribune for the Austerlitz 2017 event’s battle re-enactment. The entrance is free except for the tribune.

Austerlitz 2017

The commemorative event dedicated to the 212th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz will be held on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd december 2017. The main points of program will be the saturday battle re-enactement under the Santon hill (14:00), with approx. 1000 participants in uniforms, 60 horses and 15 cannons, and the sunday act of piety at the Peace monument, the place of the hardest fight of the battle of Austerlitz (12:00).

Austerlitz 2016 – Press Release

The commemorative event dedicated to the 211th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz will be held on the 3rd and 4th december 2016. The main points of program will be the saturday battle re-enactement under the Santon hill (14:00) and the sunday act of piety at the Peace monument (12:00).

Napoleonic Days 2016

The Project Austerlitz, the Central European Napoleonic Society and the commune of Prace organize, with support of the South-Moravian region and under the auspices of the governor, Mr. Michal Hašek, at the occasion of the 247th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte the Napoleonic Days 2016 held on the battlefield of Austerlitz on the 12th-14th august.

The Project Austerlitz in 2016

In 21016 the Project Austerlitz, which organizes the commemorative events at Austerlitz since 1998, is preparing the following 2016 events, not only on the battlefield of Austerlitz

Austerlitz 2016 – tickets

You can buy your tickets for tribunes for the Austerlitz 2016 event's battle re-enactment. The entrance is free except for the tribunes.

Napoleonic Days 2016 – photos

Photos from the Napoleonic Days 2016, the 247th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte. The event was organized by the Project Austerlitz, Central European Napoleonic Society, commune of Prace, the museum of the Old post of Pozorice, with support of the South-Moravian region. Photos by Jaroslav Švanda

Austerlitz 2015 tickets

You can buy your tickets for tribunes for the Austerlitz 2015 event. A speciality of this year's edition is a tribune for standing.

Austerlitz 2015 will be organized under the auspices of the minister of regional development

We are very pleased that the event of the 210th anniversary of Austerlitz will be organized under the auspices of the Minter of Regional Development of the Czech Republic, Mrs. Karla Šlechtová.

Austerlitz 2015

We prepare the 210th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz (2nd december 1805), the battle of the three emperors. In june 2015 the largest napoleonic re-enactment event in Europe has been held in Waterloo and the period of bicentenaries of the coalition wars of 1792-1815 culminated, and the with it the decade of napoleonic bicentenaries which was started back in 2005 with the 200th anniversary of Austerlitz and it's 3600 participants from 24 countries of the world. We present the program of Austerlitz 2015, a sort of epilogue to the large napoleonic anniversaries.

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