Tickets for the re-enactment of the Battle of Three Emperors, Saturday Dec 3 2005
Information about tickets sale for this years' re-enactment.
Information about tickets sale for this years' re-enactment.
Program of this year's 'Austerlitz'. Read more inside the article.
For the bicentennial of the battle of Austerlitz the Czech and the French post issue the common stamp. On May 4th 2005 the meeting of Czech and Fr...
Few words from Mr. David Banks, Hon. President of the European Napoleonic Society.
This year’s event is the last one before the great 200th anniversary for which we prepare ourselves well in advance.
Theme of the conference : The influence of the civilization development since the industrial revolution in Europe in 1805 to the info...
This year we celebrate 199th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz. Come and see the interesting event which is not equally matched anywhere in Europe! The phenomenon of the Austerlitz battlefield annualy attracts hundreds of re-nactors (members of military historical societies re-enacting historical events) and thousands of visitors. No place in Europe regularly hosted an event of such scale where more than one thousand warriors symbolicaly clash and finally meet at the piety act by the Mound of Peace on the Pratzen Heights...
Wednesday the 26th November 2003 18:00 - 19:00 – Historical encampement at the square of Vyškov 19:00 - 20:...
The Allied armies are standing on the upper part of a battlefield under Santon hill. They are starting artillery preparations and in the l...