
Kandyja (Gandyja) pub U Stříbrné koule (At The Silver ball)

The place where the Stříbrné Koule Pub used to be located at the crossroads between Šaratice Těšany, Otnice, and Újezd is better known today as...

Before the battle

On 1 December 1805, the Russian and Austrian allied armies, 85,000 men strong, established their position in the area between  Pozoritz, Holubict...


Žuráň Hill, in the area of Podolí, the well-known and historically documented location of the memorable battle, was the field command post of the ...

The shedule

Commemorative events program for the 195th Anniversary of the Battle of the Three Emperors.

The soldier in the chimney

Another legend often told is about a French soldier who tried to save his own life by running from two Russian Cossacks. He hid himself in Tvarozná, ...

Napoleon’s Beam

A small beam has been built into the corner floor of the chapel situated on Santon Hill, near Tvarozná. It is said that this is the beam around which...

The jumping peasant woman

While fortifying Santon, French soldiers desperately needed relays to help their tired horses pull cannons to the firing line. They broke into house n...

The schedule

The schedule for the 194th anniversary of "The battle of three emperors"

Allied army

The content of the allied armies before the battle.

Old lime (Stará lípa)

By the crossroads on the north edge of Milešovice (Milešovice is located approximately 10 km southwest of Slavkov and 22 km southeast of Brno), one ...

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