Napoleonic Maneuvers in Valtice 2018 – photos
158 re-enactors with 13 horses and 3 cannons came this year to Valtice to take part in the Napoleonic Maneuvers of the Central European Napoleonic Society. Photo Jaroslav Švanda
158 re-enactors with 13 horses and 3 cannons came this year to Valtice to take part in the Napoleonic Maneuvers of the Central European Napoleonic Society. Photo Jaroslav Švanda
About 150 napoleonic re-enactors will take part at the event that will offer the visitors a unique possibility to see the military life in the early 19th century; the event is held as a main preparation of the CENS troops for the 2018 campaign.
The Project Austerlitz, the Central European Napoleonic Society and the commune of Prace organize, with support of the South-Moravian region at the occasion of the 248th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte the Napoleonic Days 2017 held on the battlefield of Austerlitz on the 11th-13th august.
Photos by Jaroslav Svanda.
About 150 napoleonic re-enactors will take part at the event that will offer the visitors a unique possibility to see the military life in the early 19th century; the event is held as a main preparation of the CENS troops for the events of Austerlitz 2017. Valtice were the main family residence of the Liechtenstein, active and important participants of the napoleonic wars.
About 200 napoleonic re-enactors will participate at the event that will offer the visitors a unique possibility to see the military life in the early 19th century; the event is held as a main preparation of the CENS troops for the events of Waterloo 2015 and Austerlitz 2015. Valtice were the main family residence of the Liechtenstein, active and important participants of the napoleonic wars.
On Saturday 17th January 2015 the Old Post in Pozořice hosted the 2015 Central European Napoleonic Society annual general meeting.
The largest napoleonic re-enactment event is going to be held in Belgium, starting on the 18th june 2015, the anniversary day of the famous battle of Waterloo
The Central European Naopleonic Society was founded on the 18th january 2003 by representants of the czech, slovak and austrian groups of re-enactme...
The Project Austerlitz in cooperation with the Central European Napoleonic Society and the Valtice castle prepare the fourth napoleonic maneuvers in Valtice for the weekend of 12-13 april 2014. CzechTourism is partner of the project. The event is part of the project Austerlitz 2014. The event is held under the auspices of the governor of the South-moravian region, Mr. Michal Hasek.