Project Austerlitz
Mohyla miru – Austerlitz, o.p.s.
Central European Napoleonic Society
1-3 DECEMBER 2006
After the exceptionally successful bicentennial of the battle of Austerlitz the Project Austerlitz continues the tradition of Commemorative events of the Battle of Three Emperors from 1998-2004. Although their scale is of a third of the bicentennial they still belong among the most important in Europe. It is necessary – not just in the jubilee years – to commemorate re-markable historic events which fated lives of our ancestors two centuries ago, and brought glitter and fame as well as misery and suffering to the defeated, hardships to civilian population but later the firmly rooted Napoleonic tradition in the battlefield region, too.
Program of the event (updated November 7th 2006)
Friday, December 1st 2006
- 18:30-19:30… festive march of historic troops through the Brno centre to the Špilberk fortress
- 19:45-20:30… re-enactment “Seizing of Špilberk by the French”, festive presentation of the symbolic key of the city
In communities on the battlefield
- 16:45-17:00… piety act in the Šlapanice cemetery
- from 17:00….. period military camp in Křenovice local pub yard
- 17:30-18:00… Jiříkovice Fires in Žuráň hill
- 18:00-19:00… Jiříkovice Fires at Myslivna, Jiříkovice
- 19:00……….. parade march through Křenovice, piety act at mass graves in Zlatá Hora
- 19:30-20:00… piety act in Těšany
Saturday December 2nd 2006
- 13:00-14:30… Tvarozna u Brna – Battle of Three Emperors and final defile in front of specta-tors
- 19:00-21:00… line-up in the square, defile through town streets, parade and fireworks in the square
- 19:15-19:45… dedication of the monument to the dead soldiers of Hungarian regiments in Telnice
In communities on the battlefield
- Slapanice… militaria flea market (08:00-12:00), market on the square
- Tvarozna….. market in the square, military encampment
- 10:00-10:30… Jiříkovice – piety act, laying of wreaths at the local monument
Sunday December 3rd 2006
- 12:00-12:30… Prace – piety act at the Peace Monument, honor to the dead
In communities on the battlefield
- Slapanice… market in the square
- The Old Post… military encampment, museum, post office
- Těšany……… period military encampment at the baroque forge
- Křenovice…… period military encampment at the local pub
- Peace Monument… exhibition Napoleonic Wars and the Czech Lands
Program changes reserved.
Expected number of participants: 1000 (600 muskets, 30 cannons, 40 horses).
Ticket prices:
Tribune including catering and heated tent CZK 1200,- (ca. EUR 43) per person
Standing CZK 160,- (ca. EUR 6) in advance booking, CZK 190,- (ca.