Mohyla miru – Austerlitz, o.p.s. – community services society


Burial Mound of Peace – Austerlitz, o. p. s., will primarily provide the following community services:


To carry out systematic activities in the area of documenting the status of cultural and artistic landmarks, their protection, maintenance, and use. To compile all knowledge on possible or arising threats to their existence, including their treatment by methods that are at variance with their essence or value, or solely for narrow and particular goals and interests.


To initiate and support theoretical and practical activities leading to the creation of tangible and intangible values directly with culturally and artistically relevant landmarks in the protected zones of the Slavkov Battlefield, in particular scientific research works, conceptual documentation and studies, projects on all levels, and works on repairing, maintaining, and renewing the landmarks in question, including archeological preservation research and structural restoration research.


To act on a multilateral basis as the instigator and organizer of processes leading to provide and amass financial and capital assets purposefully set aside for financing works and performances to the benefit of cultural, regional, and artistic landmarks in the memorial zone of the Slavkov Battlefield, and for ensuring the activities of Burial Mound of Peace – Austerlitz, o. p. s.


To initiate and organize educational, mediation, and information activities. To conduct, ensure, and coordinate organizational activities leading to the use of the preserved zone through the tourism industry.


To develop multilateral cooperation with subjects from both the Czech Republic and abroad in and for the fulfillment of these community services.


Community services will be provided only to subjects and in connection with subjects whose intention is to create and make use of resources, or to provide services to the benefit of cultural, regional, and artistic landmarks lying in the territory of the memorial zone as per the edict by the Czech Republic’s Ministry of Culture dated 10 September 1992, on declaring the Slavkov Battlefield a memorial zone, Law No. 475/1992 Coll., and to serve and assist in rescuing, protecting, and maintaining these landmarks and land, and for their renewal.


The society’s headquarters is in the building of the Šlapanice Townhall, Masarykovo nám. 7, 664 51 Šlapanice, tel.: +420 544 228 007-010, fax: +420 544 228 096, e-mail:, IČO: 25561472.


Two towns are currently members: Šlapanice and Slavkov u Brna, as are sixteen towns from the Vyškov and Brno-venkov districts: Blažovice, Holubice, Hostěrádky-Rešov, Jiříkovice, Kobylnice, Křenovice, Podolí, Ponětovice, Pozořice, Prace, Sokolnice, Telnice, Tvarožná, Újezd u Brna, Zbýšov, and Žatčany, one legal entity – Postilion, s. r. o., and five individuals.


The society’s supreme body is the General Meeting of founding and associated members.